Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: creamy
IPA transcription: [kɹ'imi]
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: creamy
    Meaning: of the color of cream; "creamy translucent pebbles"
Usage examples
  • She neither wept nor prayed; and the red spot burned against the creamy whiteness of her skin.
  • The wood is deliciously fragrant, fine in grain and texture and creamy yellow, as if formed of condensed sunbeams.
  • He is about the size of Billy Mink, but instead of the rich dark brown of Billy's coat his coat is a creamy yellow.
  • The white is a creamy white, the outsides of the outer petals are stained with red, first showing clearly in the bud.
  • The coloring consisted of dainty pinks, creamy whites and pale blues, all running together just as the coloring in an opal runs from one shade into another.
  • She helped herself to the rich creamy chocolate and the little frosted cakes, and then curled up on a broad couch near the window with a book full of wonderful pictures.
  • Having obtained a quantity sufficient for his purpose, he places it in a bag made of the net-like fibrous substance attached to all cocoanut trees, and compressing it over the bread-fruit, which being now sufficiently pounded, is put into a wooden bowl--extracts a thick creamy milk.