Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples
IPA transcription: [kɹ'ʊkəd]
meaning of the word
having or marked by bends or angles; not straight or aligned; "crooked country roads"; "crooked teeth"
Usage examples
Another dry twist in place of a smile, made his face crooked here.
"But what else does this Crooked Magician want?" asked the Shaggy Man.
"I am neither square nor crooked," said Scraps, looking down at her plump body.
I'll have to trust you, but I shall have means of evening up if you play crooked."
The partial becomes complete; the crooked, straight; the empty, full; the worn out, new.
It was a curious crooked way, but at that moment it stretched clear and broad before him.
My professional pride was up in arms, and I couldn't bear to have a hand in a crooked deal.
But Jerry is a tree which will grow crooked. He seems to have been giving a lot of trouble."
He rolled upon his back and lay pathetically with crooked legs yearning upward, still smiling.
Philip examined his ugly visage and strong crooked fore-arm, as he was waiting admittance, having pounded upon the door.