Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: crowbar
IPA transcription: [kɹ'oʊb,ɑɹ]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: crowbar, wrecking_bar, pry, pry_bar
    Meaning: a heavy iron lever with one end forged into a wedge
Usage examples
  • As yet my iron crowbar was the most helpful thing I had chanced upon.
  • I remember a long gallery of rusting stands of arms, and how I hesitated between my crowbar and a hatchet or a sword.
  • By means of a crowbar I easily dislodged the bricks, and having carefully deposited the body against the inner wall, I propped it in that position, while with little trouble I relaid the whole structure as it originally stood.
  • Next day the Troll--for it was a Troll as clear as day--asked if the old dame would stay and keep house for him a few days; and as the day went on he took a great iron crowbar, and asked the lad if he had a mind to go with him up the hill and quarry a few corner-stones.
  • Neither must you go through the door to the left, it leads to the snake's chamber, where adders and serpents lodge; but open the fast-closed door by means of the well-known spring-root, which you must on no account forget to take with you, or all your trouble will be for naught, for no crowbar or mortal tools will help you.