crushing, devastating
Meaning: physically or spiritually devastating; often used in combination; "a crushing blow"; "a crushing rejection"; "bone-crushing"
meaning of the word
suppression, crushing, quelling, stifling
Meaning: forceful prevention; putting down by power or authority; "the suppression of heresy"; "the quelling of the rebellion"; "the stifling of all dissent"
Usage examples
Here was crushing evidence.
'Merely this,' I replied, bridling up and crushing her.
No such departure was as radical as that of the method of crushing the ore.
There you are with your huge carcass crushing down your poor legs all night long.
Slavery was crushing him hourly, and he felt that he could not submit any longer.
The problem included handling and crushing the "run of the mine," without selection.
Rock crushing develops heat, and allows a freer circulation of heated waters and vapors.
But just a month before the election came the crushing blow of his life, in the death of his noble wife.
This batch of material goes back for another crushing, so that everything is subjected to an equality of refining.
In so doing he loosened a great boulder of rock, which fell upon George Curtis's right leg, crushing it frightfully.