Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: cubes
IPA transcription: [kj'ubz]
Usage examples
  • Your will still rules the cubes which piloted you from the Moon?"
  • "There must be a way," said Sarka the Second quietly, "to circumvent the cubes!
  • "Yes," replied Sarka tersely, "but there are only a dozen of the cubes. What can they do against countless millions of them?
  • "Those of us who have passed through the flames which bore these Moon-cubes will control the cubes, even bend them to our will.
  • A set of wooden forms, such as spheres, cubes, pyramids, cones, cylinders, and similar, but truncated, forms, can be obtained at any school supply store.
  • Cubes which are Moon-cubes, brought to the Earth in the heart of that blue column, here reformed to create an army which is invincible, because it cannot be slain!
  • FLUORITE (calcium fluoride), a mineral harder than calcite and crystallizing in cubes of various colors, and BARITE (barium sulphate), a heavy white mineral, are abundant in many veins.
  • The top of each of them was a gleaming globe whose eery light played over the country immediately surrounding each column, their weird light reflected in the squares, rectangles and globes that other cubes had formed.
  • And always, as they stared and literally willed the cubes which piloted and were the motive power of the aircars to speed and more speed, that marvelous display of interplanetary fireworks which had aroused the concern of Sarka the Second.