Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: cupid
IPA transcription: [kj'upɪd]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: cupid
    Meaning: a symbol for love in the form of a cherubic naked boy with wings and a bow and arrow
  • Synonyms: Cupid, Amor
    Meaning: (Roman mythology) god of love; counterpart of Greek Eros
Usage examples
  • "My name is Cupid," answered the boy.
  • For these things Cupid will have to answer when he stands at the bar of justice with his victims from the Frogmore flats.
  • And all good children to whom he related this story, took great heed of this naughty Cupid; but he made fools of them still, for he is astonishingly cunning.
  • Alack the day, there was no poet to send letters to the outside world on this handling of Cupid's bow and arrow! The comedy was pushed in the most business-like fashion.
  • The choicest quotations from the works of such established writers as "Aunt Charlotte" of Forget-Me-Not and "Doctor Cupid", the heart-expert of Home Chat, expended themselves fruitlessly on Reggie.