Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: curtly
IPA transcription: [k'ɝtli]
r meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: curtly, short, shortly
    Meaning: in a curt, abrupt and discourteous manner; "he told me curtly to get on with it"; "he talked short with everyone"; "he said shortly that he didn't like it"
Usage examples
  • "Nothing," he said curtly.
  • "Lead back," I directed curtly.
  • "As you please," she said curtly.
  • 'Often,' said the stranger rather curtly.
  • Mr Phillips dismissed her inquiry, curtly.
  • 'Business is business, Mr. Waldron,' he said curtly.
  • "I hope not," answered Link curtly, "but there's no knowing.
  • Vincent, aghast, begged her to sit down and talk the matter over, but Madame declined curtly.