Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: dakota
IPA transcription: [dək'oʊtə]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: Dakota
    Meaning: the Siouan language spoken by the Dakota
  • Synonyms: Dakota
    Meaning: the area of the states of North Dakota and South Dakota
  • Synonyms: Dakota
    Meaning: a member of the Siouan people of the northern Mississippi valley; commonly called the Sioux
Usage examples
  • Now, in her great desire to keep the stolen boy awhile longer, she ventured to cry as the Dakota woman does.
  • When the Cariboo fever reached the East, the public there had heard neither of the Indian massacres in Oregon nor that the Sioux were on the war-path in Dakota.
  • Not knowing that the syllables of a Dakota's cry are the names of loved ones gone, the ugly toad mother sought to please the boy's ear with the names of valuable articles.
  • In 1890 he was shifted north to take the field against the Sioux Indians, in South Dakota, and in the Battle of Wounded Knee he had a considerable taste of burnt powder, where the tribe that had massacred General Custer and his band was practically wiped out.