Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: darkened
IPA transcription: [d'ɑɹkənd]
Pronunciations of darkened
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: darkened
    Meaning: become or made dark by lack of light; "a darkened house"; "the darkened theater"
  • Synonyms: darkened
    Meaning: (of fabrics and paper) grown dark in color over time; "the darkened margins of the paper"
Usage examples
  • Her eyes darkened, and he expected an indignant rejoinder.
  • The sun now darkened and the clouds gathered heavily on the Western horizon.
  • But thereupon his face darkened again, and he lost himself in troubled musing.
  • Then his brow darkened, for he thought she was playing with the girl, and was not sincere.
  • The happiness of our love was now darkened by this tremendous cloud that lowered before us.
  • Even as he looked, two shadows darkened the white surface--the shadows of a man and a woman.
  • Many sentences were pronounced in that darkened room, and the prisoners often needed cheering.
  • He was drawing the hand to his lips when a shadow darkened the French window, and a saber rattled warningly.
  • The darkened room, the labored breathing and occasional moanings of the patient, the tip-toeing of the attendants and their whispered consultations, were full of sad meaning.
  • For if light were a body, it would follow that whenever the air is darkened by the absence of the luminary, the body of light would be corrupted, and its matter would receive a new form.
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