flit, flutter, fleet, dart
Meaning: move along rapidly and lightly; skim or dart; "The hummingbird flitted among the branches"
dart, dash, scoot, scud, flash, shoot
Meaning: run or move very quickly or hastily; "She dashed into the yard"
Meaning: move with sudden speed; "His forefinger darted in all directions as he spoke"
Usage examples
He is very timid, ready to dart into his hole at the least sound.
Then they would swiftly dart at their prey and bear it to the ground.
They fly low with half-extended legs and drooping wings, ready to dart down.
'Come on,' he cried, rearing himself up and preparing to dart all his heads at once at Paul.
"Merely the 5,000,000 you have about you." Danglars felt a dreadful spasm dart through his heart.
Dropping to the deck, he turned in time to see the fugitive dart round the shoulder of the superstructure.
Now and then one of the red-men would dart out of the woods with a wild yell to scalp a red-coat who had been shot down.
If he had seen Chris dart behind the barn, and there roll upon the grass in convulsions of laughter, he would have been both surprised and hurt.
When she perceives that she cannot get into her nest she will fly round the tree uttering cries of distress, and then dart off towards the sun-setting.
Just before this happy moment he had heard a shot fired somewhere in the forest, and as he hurried toward the sound he saw an animal dart into the hut, as if for shelter.