bound(p), destined
Meaning: (usually followed by `to') governed by fate; "bound to happen"; "an old house destined to be demolished"; "he is destined to be famous"
bound, destined
Meaning: headed or intending to head in a certain direction; often used as a combining form as in `college-bound students'; "children bound for school"; "a flight destined for New York"
Usage examples
It was a kind of fatal impulse, that seemed destined to hurry me to my destruction.
She could almost believe that he had been specially made and destined for her behoof.
The ode is followed by some sonnets which are destined, we fear, to be ludibria ventis.
I seem to be staring there still, waiting for the blow destined to shatter this household."
On the day destined for his self-immolation, Rikiu invited his chief disciples to a last tea-ceremony.
I might, perchance, escape it for that time, but what assurance had I that I was not ultimately destined to such an end?
It had little of the special dignity with which the labours of Kepler himself were destined so greatly to aid in endowing it.
The sun was setting once more over the Virginia hills destined to be scarred so deeply by battle, but attack and defense went on.
At Vincent's suggestion she soon afterwards undertook certain works of charity, which were destined to be the seed of a great enterprise.
This was unwise of him, since it never does to disregard ladies' opinions. Later-but too late--he was destined to learn this to his cost.