Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: diffused
IPA transcription: [dɪfj'uzd]
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: diffused
    Meaning: (of light rays) subjected to scattering by reflection from a rough surface or transmission through a translucent material; "diffused light"
Usage examples
  • The capital may be the same as before, the ownership may or may not be widely diffused, but the control and management are unified.
  • The practice of justice is a science which, when once discovered and diffused, will sooner or later put an end to social disorder, by teaching us our rights and duties.
  • Her father had just been reading a chapter in the Bible: it spoke of the vanity of worldly things and of the joys of heaven: it seemed to have diffused comfort and serenity through her bosom.
  • At intervals tubes pierce the roof of this underground city, and by means of lenses and reflectors transmit the sunlight, softened and diffused, to dispel what would otherwise be Cimmerian darkness.
  • The benefits resulting from greater abundance are diffused, and as goods are brought from the high, or scarcity, end of the scale of value down toward the level of free goods, everybody gains by the abundance and cheapness.