Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: dragons
IPA transcription: [dɹ'æɡənz]
Pronunciations of dragons
Usage examples
  • Other heroes kill treasure-protecting dragons of various kinds.
  • Some came in chariots drawn by dragons, or swans, or peacocks; some were mounted upon floating clouds, or globes of fire.
  • At the entrance there are two dragons, with fire in their eyes and mouths; inside the grotto there is a deep pit into which you must descend, it is full of toads, scorpions, and serpents.
  • 'And if I,' said Stana, 'should be the one chosen, I would weave my husband a shirt which will keep him unscathed when he fights with dragons; when he goes through water he will never even be wet; or if through fire, it will not scorch him.'
  • If you wish to feed the people, you may think that feeding them miraculously in the wilderness is impossible--but you cannot think it illiberal. If you really want poor children to go to the seaside, you cannot think it illiberal that they should go there on flying dragons; you can only think it unlikely.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Dungeons & Dragons, License CC BY-SA 4.0