Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: dredge
IPA transcription: [dɹ'ɛdʒ]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: dredge
    Meaning: a power shovel to remove material from a channel or riverbed
Usage examples
  • Dredge with flour and let bake in a hot oven.
  • Dredge with seasoned flour after each basting, and add more boiling water if necessary.
  • Pour a wineglassful of Sherry over the fish, spread with butter, and dredge thickly with flour.
  • Cut the fish into cutlets, dredge with flour, dip into egg and crumbs, and saute in a frying-pan.
  • Stuff the fish, sew up, put in a buttered baking-pan, dredge with flour, dot with butter, and bake.
  • Season a round steak with salt, black pepper and paprica; dredge with flour and let fry in hot lard on both sides until brown.
  • Stuff a large whitefish with seasoned crumbs, put into a buttered baking-pan, rub with butter, dredge with seasoned flour, add one cupful of Claret, and bake.
  • Boil them with the head, until tender, then split and lay them round the head, or dredge them with flour after they have been boiled tender, and fry them brown.