Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: dubious
IPA transcription: [d'ubiəs]
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: doubtful, dubious
    Meaning: fraught with uncertainty or doubt; "they were doubtful that the cord would hold"; "it was doubtful whether she would be admitted"; "dubious about agreeing to go"
  • Synonyms: doubtful, dubious, dubitable, in_question(p)
    Meaning: open to doubt or suspicion; "the candidate's doubtful past"; "he has a dubious record indeed"; "what one found uncertain the other found dubious or downright false"; "it was more than dubitable whether the friend was as influential as she thought"- Karen Horney
Usage examples
  • It's a matter I was always dubious about before."
  • His inference is more or less dubious and hypothetical.
  • I cannot tell whether he felt relieved or embarrassed by my departure, considering the dubious light in which he seemed to regard me.
  • She was sorry----Perhaps he had made all the mystery of love a mechanical cautiousness but----She fled from the thought with a dubious, "Some day."
  • After Apis, the cough speedily begins to become looser and milder, to loose its dubious character, and to gradually disappear without leaving a trace behind.
  • Although scrupulously whitewashed it had become somewhat shaky, and Anne felt rather dubious as she scrambled up from the vantage point of a keg placed on a box.
  • In the course of about an hour I had really convinced several of the Beast Folk of the truth of my assertions, and talked most of the others into a dubious state. I kept a sharp eye for my enemy the Hyena-swine, but he never appeared. Every now and then a suspicious movement would startle me, but my confidence grew rapidly.