Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: duchy
IPA transcription: [d'ʌtʃi]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: duchy, dukedom
    Meaning: the domain controlled by a duke or duchess
Usage examples
  • In less than three weeks the duchy was conquered; in only two cases was any assault necessary; all the other places were given up by traitors or surrendered without a show of resistance.
  • The village, too, renewed itself with the new almshouses and church. There were old houses rebuilt and fresh ones reared, and all are ours, except the Why Not? which still remains the Duchy Inn.
  • It provided for an alliance between the King of France and the Venetian government, for the purpose of making war in common upon the Duke of Milan, Ludovic Sforza, on and against every one, save the lord pope of Rome, and for the purpose of insuring to the Most Christian king restoration to the possession of the said duchy of Milan as his rightful and olden patrimony.