Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: edwards
IPA transcription: ['ɛdwɚdz]
Pronunciations of edwards
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: Edwards, Jonathan_Edwards
    Meaning: American theologian whose sermons and writings stimulated a period of renewed interest in religion in America (1703-1758)
Usage examples
  • "If my brother gets his leave," said Miss Edwards.
  • Mr. Calthorp, let me introduce you to Miss Edwards."
  • "I am afraid I did not catch your name," said Miss Edwards.
  • This servant, under the patronage of Edwards, established the first coffee-house in London, in George Yard, Lombard Street.
  • The mass breeds worms so rapidly, however, as Edwards informed us, that after the lapse of a month or two it is a jumble of yuca scraps and writhing articulates.
  • It appears that coffee was first introduced into England by Daniel Edwards, a Turkey merchant, whose servant, Pasqua, a Greek, understood the manner of roasting it.
  • Nevertheless, Mr. Cyrus Edwards boldly made his canvass for Governor as a supporter of the system of internal improvements, and his opponent, Thomas Carlin, was careful not to commit himself strongly on the other side.
  • Governor Edwards, complaining so late as 1829 of the superior mail facilities afforded to Missouri, says: "I can conceive of no reason for this preference, unless it be supposed that because the people of Missouri have negroes to work for them they are to be considered as gentlefolks entitled to higher consideration than us plain 'free-State' folks who have to work for ourselves."
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Gail Edwards, License CC BY-SA 4.0
1. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Hamlet, License CC BY-SA 4.0
2. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording NASA, License CC BY-SA 4.0