Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: elk
IPA transcription: ['ɛlk]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: red_deer, elk, American_elk, wapiti, Cervus_elaphus
    Meaning: common deer of temperate Europe and Asia
  • Synonyms: wapiti, elk, American_elk, Cervus_elaphus_canadensis
    Meaning: large North American deer with large much-branched antlers in the male
  • Synonyms: elk, European_elk, moose, Alces_alces
    Meaning: large northern deer with enormous flattened antlers in the male; called `elk' in Europe and `moose' in North America
Usage examples
  • Stop all hunting of mountain sheep, mountain goat and elk.
  • My silly head was banged often enough by low branches, but they slipped through like running elk.
  • What that Martian mountain elk had hoped for can only be guessed, what he met with was a tangle of floating finery carrying a numbed traveller on it, and with a snort of disappointment he turned again.
  • If you are compelled to go to the dining car alone, you will probably sit beside an Elk with white socks, who will call the waiter "George." Along about the second course he will say to you, "It's warm for September, isn't it?" to which you should answer "No." That will dispose of the Elk.
  • All things considered, the game laws of New Mexico are surprisingly up to date, and the state is to be congratulated on its advanced position. For example, there are long close seasons on antelope, elk (now extinct!), mountain sheep, bob white quail, pinnated grouse, wild pigeon and ptarmigan,--an admirable list, truly.