Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: enlivened
IPA transcription: [ɛnl'aɪvənd]
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: enlivened, spirited
    Meaning: made lively or spirited; "a meal enlivened by the music"; "a spirited debate"
  • Synonyms: enlivened
    Meaning: made sprightly or cheerful
Usage examples
  • At nine o'clock it was announced that, though raffling was forbidden, the bazaar would be enlivened by an auction.
  • This session of the Legislature was enlivened by a singular contest between the Whigs and Democrats in relation to the State banks.
  • When the girls were safely away, Diana driving and Anne holding the coveted platter carefully on her lap, the green, rain-freshened solitudes of the Tory Road were enlivened by ripples of girlish laughter.