Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: feudal
IPA transcription: [fj'udəl]
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: feudal, feudalistic
    Meaning: of or relating to or characteristic of feudalism
Usage examples
  • Religion was the real cause of the ruin of feudal property.
  • A man belonged to his Lobby, just as a serf had belonged to his feudal landlord.
  • “Why didn’t you tell me this feudal imitation was haunted?” asked Larry, in a grieved tone.
  • The patrician families became extinct, as the feudal families did, and as all aristocracies must.
  • "Judge:--Seeing that the feudal lords planted a screen at their gates, he too would have one at his!
  • Finally, '89 arrived; liberty resumed its march; a century and a half had been required to wear out the last form of feudal property,--monarchy.
  • Happy only in her earliest and latest years, she is, nevertheless, a bright and attractive figure against the dark background of feudal tyranny and crime.
  • Least of all had the more than feudal magnificence, thus discovered, a tendency to allay the irritable feelings of the less ancient and less wealthy Berlifitzings.
  • Consequently, in the feudal ages, rents were almost nothing,--simply a hare, a partridge, a pie, a few pints of wine brought by a little girl, or a Maypole set up within the suzerain's reach.
  • Bondmen differed from the serfs of the feudal age in that they were not bound to the soil but to the master. They likewise differed from the negro slaves in that their servitude had a time limit.