Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: fiercer
IPA transcription: [f'ɪɹsɚ]
Usage examples
  • But now the fierce horde becomes still fiercer.
  • He is used to these desperate rallies, which always become fiercer and more violent as the quarry is on the point of giving in.
  • Then he began to grow fiercer and more eccentric; he would batter the crosses by the roadside; for he lived in a Roman Catholic country.
  • He had never seen one fiercer, and knowing that he had little to dread from the Southerners while it raged he knew also that he must make his way on foot, and as best he could, to his own people.
  • Then ruled the Kazi of Battle, in whose ordinance is no wrong, for a seal is on his lips and he speaketh not; and the blood railed in rills and purfled earth with curious embroidery; heads grew gray and hotter waxed battle and fiercer.