Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: flanked
IPA transcription: [fl'æŋkt]
Usage examples
  • At half-past eleven their guide stopped at a place where two high pillars, crowned with some heraldic stonework, flanked a huge iron gate.
  • The mantelpiece was decorated with sea-shells, over which hung a quadrant, flanked by two wood-cuts of most bitter-looking naval commanders.
  • Buildings of huge, squared timbers flanked three sides of the inner stockades--the dining-hall, the cook-house, the bunk-house, the store, the trader's house.
  • In others he had recorded some illustration as it occurred to him; or a single sentence stood flanked by a dozen variants--Wyndham being a careful worker and sensitive to niceties of language.
  • From one point a thin white thread of vapour rose slantingly to an immense height, and then frayed out like a down feather. We were now within the embrace of a broad bay flanked on either hand by a low promontory.
  • There were knick-knacks on little tables, mirrors let into the wall above marble consoles, square spaces of carpet under the two groups of armchairs, each presided over by a deep sofa; smaller rugs scattered all over the floor of red tiles; three windows from the ceiling down to the ground, opening on a balcony, and flanked by the perpendicular folds of the dark hangings.