Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: flare
IPA transcription: [fl'ɛɹ]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: flare, flair
    Meaning: a shape that spreads outward; "the skirt had a wide flare"
  • Synonyms: flare
    Meaning: a sudden burst of flame
  • Synonyms: flare, flash
    Meaning: a burst of light used to communicate or illuminate
verb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: flare, flame_up, blaze_up, burn_up
    Meaning: burn brightly; "Every star seemed to flare with new intensity"
  • Synonyms: flare_out, flare
    Meaning: become flared and widen, usually at one end; "The bellbottom pants flare out"
Usage examples
  • A flare of light almost blinded her eyes.
  • The flare bloomed, and he yanked down on the little lever.
  • He stared into the fire, watching the embers flare up and die.
  • He turned to the flare computer and back to what he could see through the quartz viewport.
  • It was self-leveling in an atmosphere, and automatic flare computers were supposed to make it possible for an amateur to judge the rate of descent near the surface.
  • Dick saw only the field of battle, dark lines and blurs, the red flare of cannon and rifle fire, and towers and banks of smoke, but the colonel saw individual human beings, and, with his trained military eye, he knew what the movements meant.
  • The darkness is illuminated by torches, whose weird flames flare and smoke in the wind, and shine down upon the little sheds which line both sides of the road, and contain so tempting a display of cheap toys and trinkets that not only the children, but their elders, are attracted by them.
  • The flare of the gas-jets, the open trunks, suggestive of travel and display, the scattered contents of the make-up box--rouge, pearl powder, whiting, burnt cork, India ink, pencils for the eyelids, wigs, scissors, looking-glasses, drapery--in short, all the nameless paraphernalia of disguise, have a remarkable atmosphere of their own.