Meaning: in a forcible manner; "keep in mind the dangers of imposing our own values and prejudices too forcibly"
Usage examples
Luck is a goddess not to be coerced and forcibly wooed by those who seek her favours.
Every object carried me back to past times, and impressed the manners of the age forcibly on my mind.
When he ended they applauded his speech mildly; but it was chiefly for the reason that he had spoken so forcibly and well.
In one case a young man who was forcibly carried over the sea lived to make his way back to England and establish his claim to a peerage.
I threw the door forcibly open, as children are accustomed to do when they expect a spectre to stand in waiting for them on the other side; but nothing appeared.
Does he wish to express still more forcibly this sentiment, he doubles the word, or prefixes an adjective, or adds an affix, as the genius of his language may dictate.
Few things in nature are more curious and interesting than this formation, and it shows forcibly how beautifully everything has been arranged for the instincts and several habits of animals.
The Honorable Erastus still insisted upon making the anti-sign fight the prominent issue of the campaign, and they must reply forcibly to the misleading statements made in his last hand-bill.
The Indians above are disposed to be troublesome and went into a camp twenty miles above us and forcibly took provisions and arms from a party of four men and cut two severely with their knives.
Cases, in some instances, would appeal so loudly and forcibly to humanity, civilization, and Christianity, that it would really seem as if the very stones would cry out, unless something was done.