Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: galloway
IPA transcription: [ɡ'æloʊw,eɪ]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: Galloway
    Meaning: breed of hardy black chiefly beef cattle native to Scotland
  • Synonyms: Galloway
    Meaning: a district in southwestern Scotland
Usage examples
  • "Old Galloway's a trump!
  • "Galloway has never turned you off!"
  • "Yes," shortly replied Mr. Galloway.
  • Mr. Galloway also was of their party.
  • Mr. Galloway came in, and motioned him into his own room.
  • "The meaning is plain enough," replied Mr. Galloway, calmly.
  • Mr. Galloway was the first witness put forth by Mr. Butterby.
  • Mr. Galloway was questioned; and for some minutes it all went on swimmingly.
  • "I will not swear that I put the bank-note inside the letter," deliberately repeated Mr. Galloway.
  • He spoke a word of farewell, which Mr. Galloway replied to by a nod, and went into the front office.