Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: gauss
IPA transcription: [ɡ'aʊs]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: gauss
    Meaning: a unit of magnetic flux density equal to 1 maxwell per square centimeter
Usage examples
  • Its distance from the sun as determined by Gauss was 2.767 times the earth's distance.
  • In 1807 the persevering search of Olbers resulted in the discovery of another, with a very oblique orbit, which Gauss named Vesta.
  • In two hours he detected its motion, and in a month he sent his observations to Gauss, who returned as answer the calculated orbit.
  • Gauss by this time had become so practised in the difficult computations that he worked out the complete orbit of Vesta within ten hours of receiving the observational data from Olbers.