Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: genus
IPA transcription: [dʒ'inəs]
Pronunciations of genus
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: genus
    Meaning: a general kind of something; "ignore the genus communism"
  • Synonyms: genus
    Meaning: (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more species
Usage examples
  • The genus has two varieties: good providers and bad providers.
  • Therefore everything which is in a genus is composed of matter and form.
  • In some species of the genus, probably in all, the sexes pair and inhabit the same burrow.
  • "But that's simply an olive shell of the 'tent olive' species, genus Oliva, order Pectinibranchia, class Gastropoda, branch Mollusca--"
  • For everything which is contained under any genus is composed of the genus, and of the difference which added to the genus makes the species.
  • Even within the same genus we often find species presenting extraordinary differences between the sexes, whilst others have their sexes closely alike.
  • Hence we may infer that these nine species, and probably all the others of the genus, are descended from an ancestral form which was coloured in nearly the same manner.
  • Nevertheless, this differs in our mode of conception; for, inasmuch as our intellect considers it as indeterminate, it derives the idea of their genus; and inasmuch as it considers it determinately, it derives the idea of their "difference."
  • Hence in these two latter species the bright colours of the males seem to have been transferred to the females; whilst in the tenth species the male has either retained or recovered the plain colours of the female, as well as of the parent-form of the genus.
  • For it would be necessary for matter to be the principle of distinction of one from the other, not, indeed, according to the division of quantity, since they are incorporeal, but according to the diversity of their powers; and such diversity of matter causes diversity not merely of species, but of genus.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Helicobacter pylori, License CC BY-SA 4.0
1. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Cattle egret, License CC BY-SA 4.0
2. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Selleophytum, License CC BY-SA 4.0