Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: gingham
IPA transcription: [ɡ'ɪŋəm]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: gingham
    Meaning: a clothing fabric in a plaid weave
Usage examples
  • 'Say, is Hamden near here?' he asked of a slim woman in a gingham dress who appeared at the door.
  • Her pink gingham dress, and white, ruffled apron--yes, and the very school books which she swung by their strap, waking a smothered sigh in Ester's heart.
  • Nevertheless she was glad when the carriage stopped in front of her own home, and she saw Estralla, smiling and happy in the pink gingham dress, waiting to welcome her.
  • One day as he was thus occupied, his wife emerged from the house, dressed in a dark brown gingham, and bearing in her hand some "muslins," which she began to spread upon the gooseberry-bushes to whiten.
  • He bore the external appearance of respectable poverty; he carried a gingham umbrella, preserved in an oilskin case; he picked his steps, with the neatest avoidance of all dirty places on the pavement; and he surveyed the scene around him with eyes of two different colors--a bilious brown eye on the lookout for employment, and a bilious green eye in a similar predicament.