Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: gleam
IPA transcription: [ɡl'im]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: gleam, gleaming, glow, lambency
    Meaning: an appearance of reflected light
  • Synonyms: gleam, gleaming, glimmer
    Meaning: a flash of light (especially reflected light)
verb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: glitter, glisten, glint, gleam, shine
    Meaning: be shiny, as if wet; "His eyes were glistening"
  • Synonyms: gleam, glimmer
    Meaning: shine brightly, like a star or a light
  • Synonyms: gleam
    Meaning: appear briefly; "A terrible thought gleamed in her mind"
Usage examples
  • He follows what gleam?
  • Like the jewels that gleam in baby eyes
  • Her eyes gleam, and her thin lips quiver with insatiable desire.
  • And then we saw the fold of a white tunic among the trees, and a gleam of gold.
  • It moved away, and then, by a gleam of lightning, she perceived some person on the terrace.
  • They gleam, they sparkle, they flash; and great, heavy, September clouds drift over the lake.
  • Gleam after gleam flashes up as the little shining fish, uncertain of their way, twist and turn about.
  • There was a gleam of fire in his lustreless eyes; he seemed to be glad to think that he was still proud.
  • A gleam of intuition flashed across me, 'You don't mean to say,' I exclaimed, 'that you're called Georgina?'
  • The detective held it out, and the red spots on it seemed to show brighter in the gleam of the electric lights.