Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: godfather
IPA transcription: [ɡ'ɑdf,ɑðɚ]
Pronunciations of godfather
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: godfather
    Meaning: someone having a relation analogous to that of a male sponsor to his godchild
  • Synonyms: godfather
    Meaning: any man who serves as a sponsor for a child at baptism
Usage examples
  • "It is you, godfather!
  • Who can be got to stand godfather to such a little beggar boy?'
  • "Don't you want your spectacles, godfather?" said Romola, in anxiety that he should see just what she saw.
  • Sorel was a clumsy little beast of a cheery and indeed puppyish disposition; Kasper was fierce, the largest of the five, even in his play he would always bite, and gave his godfather many a sharp nip as time went on.
  • He has also consulted Mr. Bell--Frederick's godfather, you know, mamma; and it is arranged that we go to live in Milton-Northern.' Mrs. Hale looked up in Margaret's face all the time she was speaking these words: the shadow on her countenance told that she, at least, believed in the truth of what she said.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Ceremonial ship launching, License CC BY-SA 4.0