Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: grimness
IPA transcription: [ɡɹ'ɪmnəs]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: asperity, grimness, hardship, rigor, rigour, severity, severeness, rigorousness, rigourousness
    Meaning: something hard to endure; "the asperity of northern winters"
  • Synonyms: ghastliness, grimness, gruesomeness, luridness
    Meaning: the quality of being ghastly
Usage examples
  • "And why are you yourself so interested in them?" was her retort as she eyed me with dry grimness.
  • Nothing could be more characteristic of the respectable bond than that," went on, with a touch of grimness, the Assistant Commissioner, whose own wife too had refused to hear of going abroad.
  • Like all his family, he esteemed and admired Mrs. van der Luyden; but he found her gentle bending sweetness less approachable than the grimness of some of his mother's old aunts, fierce spinsters who said "No" on principle before they knew what they were going to be asked.