Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: guaranteed
IPA transcription: [ɡ,ɛɹənt'id]
Pronunciations of guaranteed
Usage examples
  • Certainty cannot be guaranteed in advance.
  • The argument in a nutshell is this: Jesus is historical because he is guaranteed by Paul.
  • Most people with whom Vladimir came in contact found his high spirits infectious, but his present hostess was guaranteed immune against infection of that sort.
  • After signing a contract for the supply of electrical power, whereby he was outrageously robbed but the supply was guaranteed, Mr. Merrick and Arthur returned to the farm.
  • Mr. Tucker, fearing that others might become disheartened and do likewise, guaranteed each man who would persevere to the end, five dollars per diem, dating from the time the party entered the snow.
  • It is worth noting that while our Christian advocates insist with all their might, such as it is, upon the resurrection of Jesus, they willingly pass over as lightly as possible, if they do not altogether ignore, a similar miracle guaranteed by the very same authority.
  • "And that all laws, or parts of laws, usages, or customs, preexisting in the Territories acquired by the United States from Mexico, and which in said Territories restrict, abridge, or obstruct, the full enjoyment of any right of person or property of a citizen of the United States, as recognized or guaranteed by the Constitution or laws of the United States, are hereby declared and shall be held as repealed."
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Lorenzo Snow, License CC BY-SA 4.0