Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: ham
IPA transcription: [h'æm]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: ham, jambon, gammon
    Meaning: meat cut from the thigh of a hog (usually smoked)
verb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: overact, ham_it_up, ham, overplay
    Meaning: exaggerate one's acting
Usage examples
  • Mr. Peterkin sat down to cut the ham.
  • Add some chopped ham, lemon-juice and 2 eggs.
  • Spread with chopped anchovies and chopped ham.
  • Mr. Carleton, did your ears receive a faint announcement of ham and eggs which went quite through and through mine just now?"
  • An invalid gentleman, who resided for some years on Ham Common, in Surrey, had a dog which distinctly pronounced John, William, and two or three other words.
  • She was still fond of the same food that she had been used to before her transformation, a lightly boiled egg or slice of ham, a piece of buttered toast or two, with a little quince and apple jam.
  • Cut a slice of ham into small pieces, and pour boiling water on it; let it soak a few minutes to extract the salt, and stew it in a little water; just before it is done, put in some cream and parsley.
  • There were three long tables, fairly groaning with things upon them: buffalo, antelope, boiled ham, several kinds of vegetables, pies, cakes, quantities of pickles, dried "apple-duff," and coffee, and in the center of each table, high up, was a huge cake thickly covered with icing. These were the cakes that Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Barker, and I had sent over that morning.