Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: hammock
IPA transcription: [h'æmək]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: hammock, sack
    Meaning: a hanging bed of canvas or rope netting (usually suspended between two trees); swings easily
  • Synonyms: knoll, mound, hillock, hummock, hammock
    Meaning: a small natural hill
Usage examples
  • At this Featherstone sat upright, with his legs dangling out of the hammock.
  • A hammock was slung from the ceiling which in the daytime was lashed up so as to take but little room.
  • "By Jove!" exclaimed Featherstone again, raising himself higher in his hammock, "that's not a bad idea.
  • When Chris awoke he saw that Amos had already stolen out of the cabin, for his hammock was rolled up and put away.
  • His occupation at length attracted the roving eyes of Featherstone, who poked forth his head from his hammock, and said in a sleepy voice:
  • When a stranger enters, he is invited to sit in a hammock; and at Santa Rosa we were always presented with a cup of guayusa; in Brazil with a cup of coffee.
  • But occasionally, when Louise tired of her novel and her cushions in the hammock, the two girls would play tennis or croquet together--Beth invariably winning.
  • Pocket, who had been expelled from the company by common consent, went sulkily away towards her hammock, for she was the fairy of the calceolaria, and looked rather wicked.
  • This inner door Montgomery at once closed. A hammock was slung across the darker corner of the room, and a small unglazed window defended by an iron bar looked out towards the sea.
  • The Queen and Dot and Tot each climbed into one of the hammocks and were covered over with silk-quilted comfortables, after which Mr. Split turned a key at the end of each hammock and set them moving gently to and fro like the rocking of a cradle.