Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: handsomely
IPA transcription: [h'ænsəmli]
r meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: handsomely
    Meaning: in a generously handsome manner; "India has responded handsomely by providing 3,000 men"
  • Synonyms: handsomely
    Meaning: in an attractively handsome manner; "the volume was handsomely bound"
Usage examples
  • He was careful to acknowledge the remark handsomely.
  • The merchant felt handsomely repaid for his trouble, and wondered greatly how the matter would turn out.
  • In Betty's little room under the roof at home was a pile of handsomely bound books, lying on a chest beside her mother's Bible.
  • A moment later Hooker pulled him handsomely on a wide one, and the first strike was called, Cooper being again awakened to a wondering, whooping state of merriment.
  • Mr. Redmain, who had pleasure in behaving handsomely so far as money was concerned, bought his wife the best sapphire he could find, and, for once, really pleased her.
  • The bark is of a bright cinnamon color and is handsomely braided and reticulated on thrifty trees, flaking off in thin, shining ribbons that are sometimes used by the Indians for tent matting.
  • After this he increased his assiduities, caressed him in the most engaging manner, made him some small presents, and often asked him to dine and sup with him, when he treated him very handsomely.
  • Will not this Administration, reelected to power by the hope and faith of the women of the West, handsomely reward that faith by taking action now for the passage of the federal suffrage amendment?
  • Friend Johnson was evidently greatly nettled at our having slipped so handsomely through his fingers as we had, and seemed determined to have a word or two with us yet, whether we would or no; for he had lowered one of his boats, and she was just leaving the vessel in chase.