Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: harris
IPA transcription: [h'ɛɹɪs]
Pronunciations of harris
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: Harris, Benjamin_Harris
    Meaning: publisher of the first newspaper printed in America (1673-1713)
  • Synonyms: Harris, Bomber_Harris, Sir_Arthur_Travers_Harris
    Meaning: British marshal of the Royal Air Force; during World War II he directed mass bombing raids against German cities that resulted in heavy civilian casualties (1892-1984)
  • Synonyms: Harris, Frank_Harris, James_Thomas_Harris
    Meaning: Irish writer noted for his sexually explicit but unreliable autobiography (1856-1931)
  • Synonyms: Harris, Townsend_Harris
    Meaning: United States diplomat who was instrumental in opening Japan to foreign trade (1804-1878)
  • Synonyms: Harris, Zellig_Harris, Zellig_Sabbatai_Harris
    Meaning: United States linguist (born in Ukraine) who developed mathematical linguistics and interpreted speech and writing in a social context (1909-1992)
  • Synonyms: Harris, Joel_Harris, Joel_Chandler_Harris
    Meaning: United States author who wrote the stories about Uncle Remus (1848-1908)
Usage examples
  • Harris said:
  • That's just like Harris.
  • Harris grew more cheerful.
  • "So mysterious!" said Harris.
  • Harris said I encouraged him.
  • "Where?" cried Harris, spinning round.
  • It was a country cousin that Harris took in.
  • "Ain't you going to put the boots in?" said Harris.
  • Our forces were under the command of General J. Harris.
  • Then George got round at the back of Harris and saw it.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording The Beatles, License CC BY-SA 4.0
1. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Metal umlaut, License CC BY-SA 4.0
2. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Weymouth, Dorset, License CC BY-SA 4.0