Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: hats
IPA transcription: [h'æts]
Usage examples
  • "Hats, heads, an everythin'.
  • I wish that I could trim hats."
  • "I like their funny black hats and droopy mustaches.
  • At the sight of Freckles the men threw up their hats and cheered.
  • Pigs!" shrilled the girls, indignantly putting on their coats and hats.
  • Indeed, some of the most elaborate hats had two or three birds upon them.
  • The man that will understand her has got to take a biggish size in hats.'
  • "Here are just the creatures," thought Popopo, "to place upon the woman's hats.
  • "Even though your pretty birds have all been stolen the hats themselves remain."
  • So they left the hats, flew out of the case and began fluttering about the room.