Meaning: atmospheric moisture or dust or smoke that causes reduced visibility
daze, fog, haze
Meaning: confusion characterized by lack of clarity
Usage examples
In the thin haze above it a face seemed to shine.
He rubbed his eyes, but the gray haze would not go.
The thin haze of Mars' atmosphere came rushing up, while the blast lashed out.
He whispered to the face, and his breath made little swirls and eddies in the haze about it.
We had a keen north wind to-night and a haze, but wind is dropping and sun shining brightly again.
The marsh was steaming in the strong sun, and the outline of the Spy-glass trembled through the haze.
Looking through the faint haze, he saw her pass down the straight path which led to the great gate of the Maxineff work-yard.
Then, as, telescope to his eye, Blood raked the haze, expecting at any moment to behold the battling ships, the guns abruptly ceased.
Then a wind slowly rolled the smoke away. The figures of the men began to appear like shadowy tracery, and then emerged, distinct and separate from the haze.
Now, through a sort of purple haze, could be seen comparatively near to them what seemed to be the upper part of a huge, dark orb or sphere, islanded in a sea of cloud.