heretic, misbeliever, religious_outcast
Meaning: a person who holds religious beliefs in conflict with the dogma of the Roman Catholic Church
Usage examples
"But I forgot--they told me you are a heretic.
It will be the best thing that could befall a lusty infant heretic.
He was, moreover, half a heretic, and Vincent had been warned to have nothing to do with him.
A heretic wilt thou be to thyself, and a wizard and a sooth-sayer, and a fool, and a doubter, and a reprobate, and a villain.
"What really saved you was the fact that you proclaimed yourself a heretic and a barbarian," remarked the Frenchman with a smile.
He lived from 1803 to 1869, and because of his audacity in using new and startling tonal effects was called the most flagrant musical heretic of the nineteenth century.