Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: hog
IPA transcription: [h'ɑɡ]
verb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: hog
    Meaning: take greedily; take more than one's share
Usage examples
  • So I let it go at that, though I couldn't see no advantage in my representing a prisoner if I got to set down and chaw over a lot of gold-leaf distinctions like that every time I see a chance to hog a watermelon.
  • The "field hands" labouring near had collected around the "quarter;" and in groups, squatted upon the grass, or seated upon stray logs, were discussing their diet--by no means spare--of "hog and hominy" corn-bread and "corn-coffee," with a jocosity that proclaimed a keen relish of these, their ordinary comestibles.