Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples
IPA transcription: [h'ɔɹsmən]
Pronunciations of horsemen
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Usage examples
"I see two horsemen afar off," cried Sister Anne.
"I see," said she, "two horsemen coming, but they are yet a great way off."
The carriage drove round, and stopped at the steps, followed by the horsemen.
But such hopes were shattered a few minutes later when two horsemen pulled up before them.
On an opposite hill, in three lines, archers, foot-soldiers, horsemen, was the Norman force.
"A mile or two back I passed a line of Southern horsemen, just as wet and bedraggled as ours."
Next to these followed that part of the Romans which was completely armed, both footmen and horsemen.
But in front he saw only quiet and peace, save for a few distant horsemen who seemed to be riding at random.
He observed it with attention, and distinguished soon after a body of horsemen, whom he suspected might be robbers.
Looking forth from the bushes he saw another line of horsemen, but now they were going in the direction of Pope's army.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording
Martin Luther
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