Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: housekeeping
IPA transcription: [h'aʊsk,ipɪŋ]
Pronunciations of housekeeping
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: housework, housekeeping
    Meaning: the work of cleaning and running a house
Usage examples
  • He knew no more about housekeeping than she did.
  • I don't think I know anything about housekeeping."
  • At the dinner-table Ernest complimented me on my good housekeeping.
  • But here's for the housekeeping," he said, taking ten roubles from his pocketbook.
  • Billy was well aware now that housekeeping was a matter of more than muffins and date puffs.
  • I feel a forty-horse power of housekeeping developing within me; and what fun it will be to get your letters!
  • If, when a newly-married couple go to housekeeping, she slyly takes her mother's dish-cloth or dish-wiper, she will never be homesick.
  • Then they explored his cottage, much amused by his queer housekeeping, cracked nuts on the hearth, and roasted apples on a string in front of the fire.
  • So the little girls amused themselves with their housekeeping, while Clarence and Towser ran races up and down the greensward until it was time to return.
  • She was neat, capable, and obliging; but it did not take her long to discover just how much--and how little--her mistress really knew of practical housekeeping.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Gaucher's disease, License CC BY-SA 4.0