Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: hunchback
IPA transcription: [h'ʌntʃb,æk]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: humpback, hunchback, crookback
    Meaning: a person whose back is hunched because of abnormal curvature of the upper spine
  • Synonyms: kyphosis, humpback, hunchback
    Meaning: an abnormal backward curve to the vertebral column
Usage examples
  • "Now then," shouted Merlin, "out of the way, hunchback, unless you want to come along too."
  • Chivalrous--eh?--and innately so, evidently, for the girl was slightly deformed: hardly a hunchback, but weak and unattractive-looking, with melancholy eyes, and a pale, pinched face.