Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: iceland
IPA transcription: ['aɪslənd]
Pronunciations of iceland
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: Iceland, Republic_of_Iceland
    Meaning: an island republic on the island of Iceland; became independent of Denmark in 1944
  • Synonyms: Iceland
    Meaning: a volcanic island in the North Atlantic near the Arctic Circle
Usage examples
  • "Horizontally, three hundred and fifty leagues from Iceland."
  • It is called surturbrand, a variety of brown coal or lignite, found chiefly in Iceland."
  • They were to be found everywhere through Europe, even as far as Iceland and the Faroe and Shetland Islands.
  • The horrible disease of leprosy is too common in Iceland; it is not contagious, but hereditary, and lepers are forbidden to marry.
  • "Yes; we are only thirty-five leagues from it; and during thaws the white bears, borne by the ice fields from the north, are carried even into Iceland.
  • Still I had one hope left, and this was, that when we had reached the bottom of the crater it would be impossible, for want of a passage, to go deeper, in spite of all the Saknussemm's in Iceland.
  • As a true nephew of the Professor Liedenbrock, and in spite of my dismal prospects, I could not help observing with interest the mineralogical curiosities which lay about me as in a vast museum, and I constructed for myself a complete geological account of Iceland.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Marshall Plan, License CC BY-SA 4.0
1. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Reykjavík, License CC BY-SA 4.0