Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: imitate
IPA transcription: ['ɪmət,eɪt]
Pronunciations of imitate
verb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: imitate, copy, simulate
    Meaning: reproduce someone's behavior or looks; "The mime imitated the passers-by"; "Children often copy their parents or older siblings"
  • Synonyms: imitate
    Meaning: appear like, as in behavior or appearance; "Life imitate art"
Usage examples
  • But his ability to imitate sounds is not an accurate measure of his ability to hear.
  • He lived an example of holiness to us all: if God, how can our humanity imitate Deity?
  • In some things nature has lavished upon them charms and beauties which no human skill can imitate.
  • Hence it is this side which is often coloured so as to imitate the objects on which these insects commonly rest.
  • And I am sure I often feel quite stirred up by a really good novel, and admire and want to imitate every high-minded, noble character it describes.
  • If his hearing is not too seriously impaired, he will begin to attempt to imitate spoken sounds by the time he is twenty-four to thirty months old.
  • The hearing baby babbles because he gets some pleasure from the sounds, and also because he desires to imitate the sounds of speech he hears around him.
  • A disembodied ideal, however, is unmanageable and vague; it cannot exercise the natural and material suasion proper to a model we are expected to imitate.
  • Because Lazarus could not imitate them in this, he went to the forest, tied all the trees together with a thick rope, and remained in the forest till evening.
  • As to his looks, good or bad, they were said to prove infallibly fatal with women, while not a few men, perhaps for that reason, did their possessor the honour to imitate them.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Benjamin Franklin, License CC BY-SA 4.0