Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: impeach
IPA transcription: [,ɪmp'itʃ]
verb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: accuse, impeach, incriminate, criminate
    Meaning: bring an accusation against; level a charge against; "The neighbors accused the man of spousal abuse"
  • Synonyms: impeach
    Meaning: charge (a public official) with an offense or misdemeanor committed while in office; "The President was impeached"
  • Synonyms: impeach
    Meaning: challenge the honesty or veracity of; "the lawyers tried to impeach the credibility of the witnesses"
Usage examples
  • "Nay, nay, my lord," she said to her husband, the Dauphin; "'t is not a knightly act thus to impeach the honor of a noble guest."