Meaning: made more desirable or valuable or profitable; especially made ready for use or marketing; "new houses are springing up on an improved tract of land near the river"; "an improved breed"
Meaning: become or made better in quality; "was proud of his improved grades"; "an improved viewfinder"
Usage examples
"My taste has improved, perhaps."
"How you have improved, my boy!" he exclaimed.
"We are all wonderfully improved, thank you, brother.
My dear Copperfield, how very much you have improved!
Here the surface was much smoother and improved rapidly.
During this interval M.O.'s health has very greatly improved.
Our dear Little Grand-niece is in great health, and much improved.
It was Mr. Jack Maldon; and Mr. Jack Maldon was not at all improved by India, I thought.
In our idle hours we always improved our higher selves by ratiocination and mental thought.
"Never do what?" enquired Dot, anxious to know all that she should do, so as to be improved.