Meaning: on your own; without outside help; "the children worked on the project independently"
Usage examples
He is not fit to act independently and stand alone.
Meanwhile, and quite independently, something of the same sort was going on in France.
His body was dead for a time and his mind too, but this nervous power worked on, almost independently of him.
But independently of this reason there are several others, which will at all times habitually lead men to prefer equality to freedom.
Autonomy of the will is that property of it by which it is a law to itself (independently of any property of the objects of volition).
There are certain nations which have peculiar reasons for cherishing the liberty of the press, independently of the general motives which I have just pointed out.
I admired the short trills in the left hand, which were trilled out quite independently, as if by a second player; the gliding ease of the cadence marked dolcissimo.
Too frequently mind is set over the world of things and facts to be known; it is regarded as something existing in isolation, with mental states and operations that exist independently.
Some years later, when his method of fluxions was published, another and a worse controversy arose--this time with Leibnitz, who had also independently invented the differential calculus.
Meanwhile, however, quite independently of these arrangements in Germany, and entirely unknown to this committee, a quiet astronomer in Sicily, Piazzi, was engaged in making a catalogue of the stars.