Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples
IPA transcription: [,ɪndɪskɹ'aɪbəbəl]
Pronunciations of indescribable
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meaning of the word
indefinable, indescribable, ineffable, unspeakable, untellable, unutterable
defying expression or description; "indefinable yearnings"; "indescribable beauty"; "ineffable ecstasy"; "inexpressible anguish"; "unspeakable happiness"; "unutterable contempt"; "a thing of untellable splendor"
Usage examples
What an indescribable sight!
The accent was indescribable.
The devastation would be indescribable.
It was a scene of indescribable confusion and uproar.
An indescribable frankness and simplicity of character
She has that indescribable beauty of effectiveness such as is given to hospital nurses.
The place was lit with a gloomy twilight that gave an impression of indescribable desolation.
And now an indescribable uneasiness possessed me--a species of nervous hesitation and tremor.
Then a shriek indescribable broke out of him of a sudden, and he flung up his arms like a lost spirit.
Most speakers have been conscious of this in a nameless thrill, a real something, pervading the atmosphere, tangible, evanescent, indescribable.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording
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