Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: infirmity
IPA transcription: [ɪnf'ɝmɪti]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: infirmity, frailty, debility, feebleness, frailness, valetudinarianism
    Meaning: the state of being weak in health or body (especially from old age)
Usage examples
  • We must bear with their infirmity, till they shall be more fully instructed.
  • For, this infirmity you virtually deny, in refusing to employ the customary means for its relief.
  • Misery and infirmity are claims for admission to Thy Feast, but nothing can dispense from the nuptial garment.
  • Few men can think long without running into a confusion of ideas, and mistaking one for another; and there are various degrees of this infirmity.
  • You shall conquer, for my sake, this affectation which leads you, as you yourself acknowledge, to the tacit or implied denial of your infirmity of vision.
  • I did not ask her to tell me, nor did I ask myself, the reason of that change; and afterwards how often I noticed that same change in her, and in the others too--that sudden silence and clouding of the face, such as may be seen in one who freely expresses himself to a person who cannot hear, and then, all at once but too late, remembers the other's infirmity.